Coir dust is ideal in making a home garden. Mixing coco coir into existing garden soil can be a boon for plants. Bringing a versatile combination of water retention and natural drainage, the coir will loosen the texture of clay soil, reducing waterlogging. It will do the opposite for sandy soil: allowing it to better hold water.
Coir dust is a good supplementary source of nitrogen (1.24%), phosphorous (0.06%), potassium (1.20 %), calcium (0.50%), magnesium (0.48%) and iron (0.09%) including micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn). which are considered sufficient for plant growth.
It can be used as potting soil, either on its own or mixed with other potting mixes. Coir can also be a soil amendment. It makes the soil more porous, even when it is wet, and helps the soil to retain its moisture. Since coir absorbs over 30 percent more water than peat, it is much easier to keep wet.
Coir dust importance to the soil